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Firefox OS版Xperiaが登場か ソニモバと海外事業者が技術提携:MWC2013

2013年02月26日 16時30分更新

Firefox OS版Xperiaが登場か


 内容は、Firefox OSを利用した携帯端末の開発についてで、本格的な市場への発表は2014年予定としています。

 Firefox OSに関してはKDDI(関連記事)や、LGやZTEなどのメーカー(関連記事)がすでに開発の発表しています。今のAndroidスマホと同じように、各社からFirefox OSスマホが買える日はそう遠くないかもしれませんね。


Sony Mobile and Telefónica reinforce
partnership with multi-year commercial and
technical collaboration

• Telefonica to range Sony Mobile’s 2013 Xperia portfolio
including Xperia™ Z and Xperia™ Tablet Z
• Telefónica establishes technical partnership with Sony Mobile
to leverage opportunities with the new Firefox OS open
source platform

25th February 2013, Barcelona, Spain - Telefónica and Sony Mobile
Communications (“Sony Mobile”) today reinforced the strength of their
commercial partnership in a multi-year agreement that confirms the operator’s
ranging support for Sony Mobile’s 2013 Xperia™ Android device portfolio, as well
as laying out a joint technical collaboration to explore the development of a
handset running Mozilla’s Firefox OS open source mobile platform.
Sony Mobile and Telefónica are long-term partners and Sony Mobile has in the
past year steadily grown its portfolio of premium Android-based smartphones
available on the Telefónica network, including the Xperia™ T - aka ‘The Bond
phone’ and now the acclaimed Xperia™ Z smartphone and Xperia™ Tablet Z.
Under the terms of the agreement, Telefónica and Sony Mobile will further
strengthen their partnership and investigate emerging technologies such as the
Firefox OS platform to extend Sony’s premium product portfolio to a wider
customer base.
“At Sony Mobile we continue to evaluate innovative technologies that can help
deliver the premium user experiences that Sony’s consumers expect,” said Bob
Ishida, Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Head of Products Business Group, Sony
Mobile Communications. “Our engineers are now working with Firefox OS Mobile
and HTML5, evolving technologies which show great potential. In addition, we continue to work with our operator partners, including Telefónica, on a
development project with an ambition to bring a product to market in 2014.”
“Sony’s Xperia Z and Xperia Tablet Z are stunning devices that really raise the bar
when it comes to the premium smartphone and tablet segment- and we’re
delighted to be partnering to bring these to market across a number of our global
channels,” commented Marieta del Rivero, Group Devices Director, Telefónica. “As
well as the great opportunity we have in 2013, our further collaboration around a
possible device on the Firefox OS mobile platform will create the opportunity to
reach new segments of the market, allowing us to provide an even wider choice of
premium Sony device offerings for our customers.”
Firefox OS marks a significant milestone for the industry, enabling for the first
time devices to be manufactured to totally open web standards. It will provide
customers with a rich, open and dynamic smartphone experience.

テレフォニカ 該当リリース(英文)



